Market Webpage sponsored by Missouri Farm Bureau Insurance Services

Quote Ticker
  • CORN (Dec 24) 416'2 6'6 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • CORN (Mar 25) 429'0 5'6 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • CORN (May 25) 436'2 5'6 10/22/24   1:05 PM CST
  • CORN (Jul 25) 440'4 5'6 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • CORN (Sep 25) 435'0 4'4 10/22/24   1:04 PM CST
  • CORN (Dec 25) 441'6 4'4 10/22/24   1:05 PM CST
  • CORN (Mar 26) 451'6 3'6 10/22/24   12:59 PM CST
  • CORN (May 26) 458'0 4'0 10/22/24   1:00 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Nov 24) 990'6 9'6 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Jan 25) 999'6 10'0 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Mar 25) 1012'0 10'0 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (May 25) 1026'4 10'4 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Jul 25) 1038'6 10'4 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Aug 25) 1039'4 10'0 10/22/24   1:02 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Sep 25) 1033'4 11'2 10/22/24   12:13 PM CST
  • SOYBEANS (Nov 25) 1035'0 9'4 10/22/24   1:05 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Dec 24) 577'0 4'6 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Mar 25) 597'0 4'6 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • WHEAT (May 25) 607'2 4'2 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Jul 25) 613'2 3'6 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Sep 25) 623'0 4'0 10/22/24   1:06 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Dec 25) 635'0 2'4 10/22/24   12:42 PM CST
  • WHEAT (Mar 26) 644'0 2'4 10/22/24   12:44 PM CST
  • WHEAT (May 26) 652'2 0'0 10/21/24   1:15 PM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Oct 24) 188.000 1.050 10/22/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Dec 24) 188.075 1.300 10/22/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LIVE CATTLE (Feb 25) 188.700 1.200 10/22/24   1:04 PM CST
  • FEEDER CATTLE (Oct 24) 249.500 1.850 10/22/24   1:04 PM CST
  • FEEDER CATTLE (Nov 24) 248.900 2.325 10/22/24   1:04 PM CST
  • FEEDER CATTLE (Jan 25) 246.000 1.800 10/22/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LEAN HOGS (Dec 24) 78.850 0.850 10/22/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LEAN HOGS (Feb 25) 82.550 0.550 10/22/24   1:04 PM CST
  • LEAN HOGS (Apr 25) 86.000 0.300 10/22/24   1:04 PM CST

DTN Top Stories

Key Senate races in battleground states like Montana, Wisconsin, and Nebraska could determine control of the Senate in the upcoming election. Republicans aim to flip seats held by Democrats, but a surprise race in Nebraska could upend those plans. BClose Senate Races Highlight Ag Policy

It has been a long time since a large system has moved through the U.S., but the setup for next week is a much more favorable one. Nothing is guaranteed though and models will be working through a slightly complicated pattern. 4^Ag Weather Forum

A new study by the University of Illinois outlines the differences in mental health challenges between men and women farm operators. =^Study: Women Farmers More Depressed

While it's likely the cattle market will trade higher again in the weeks ahead, traders are expected to be cautious as they brace for Friday's Cattle on Feed report. BSort and Cull

Corn was 65% harvested and soybeans were 81% harvested as of Sunday, Oct. 20, according to USDA NASS' weekly Crop Progress Report. Winter wheat was 73% planted. BUSDA Weekly Crop Progress Report

DTN Ag Headline News
Close Senate Races Highlight Ag Policy
USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report
Breaking Down CRP Acreage, Rental Rates
Savvy Seed Decisions - 4
Top 5 Things to Watch
View From the Cab
What Farms Need to Know About BOI
Savvy Seed Decisions - 3
Deere Repair Investigation Confirmed

Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 409'0 416'4 408'2 416'2 6'6 409'4 01:06P Chart for @C4Z Options for @C4Z
Mar 25 422'2 429'2 421'6 429'0 5'6 423'2 01:06P Chart for @C5H Options for @C5H
May 25 429'6 436'4 429'0 436'2 5'6 430'4 01:06P Chart for @C5K Options for @C5K
Jul 25 434'0 440'6 433'2 440'4 5'6 434'6 01:06P Chart for @C5N Options for @C5N
Sep 25 430'0 435'2 429'2 435'0 4'4 430'4 01:06P Chart for @C5U Options for @C5U
Dec 25 436'0 442'0 436'0 441'6 4'4 437'2 01:06P Chart for @C5Z Options for @C5Z
Mar 26 447'2 452'2 447'0 451'6 3'6 448'0 01:06P Chart for @C6H Options for @C6H
May 26 453'2 458'0 452'6 458'0 4'0 454'0 01:06P Chart for @C6K Options for @C6K
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Nov 24 980'4 997'0 976'6 990'6 9'6 981'0 01:06P Chart for @S4X Options for @S4X
Jan 25 989'0 1003'6 986'6 999'6 10'0 989'6 01:06P Chart for @S5F Options for @S5F
Mar 25 1002'0 1015'6 999'2 1012'0 10'0 1002'0 01:06P Chart for @S5H Options for @S5H
May 25 1015'4 1030'0 1013'0 1026'4 10'4 1016'0 01:06P Chart for @S5K Options for @S5K
Jul 25 1028'0 1042'2 1025'0 1038'6 10'4 1028'2 01:06P Chart for @S5N Options for @S5N
Aug 25 1029'4 1043'0 1026'4 1039'4 10'0 1029'4 01:06P Chart for @S5Q Options for @S5Q
Sep 25 1022'2 1036'0 1019'2 1033'4 11'2 1022'2 01:06P Chart for @S5U Options for @S5U
Nov 25 1025'0 1038'0 1022'0 1035'0 9'4 1025'4 01:06P Chart for @S5X Options for @S5X
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 574'0 578'6 565'6 577'0 4'6 572'2 01:06P Chart for @W4Z Options for @W4Z
Mar 25 593'2 598'2 586'4 597'0 4'6 592'2 01:06P Chart for @W5H Options for @W5H
May 25 605'2 608'6 597'2 607'2 4'2 603'0 01:06P Chart for @W5K Options for @W5K
Jul 25 612'0 614'4 604'0 613'2 3'6 609'4 01:06P Chart for @W5N Options for @W5N
Sep 25 620'2 623'6 614'2 623'0 4'0 619'0 01:06P Chart for @W5U Options for @W5U
Dec 25 633'4 637'0 628'4 635'0 2'4 632'4 01:06P Chart for @W5Z Options for @W5Z
Mar 26 641'0 644'0 638'2 644'0 2'4 641'4 01:06P Chart for @W6H Options for @W6H
May 26 652'2 0'0 642'2 01:06P Chart for @W6K Options for @W6K
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Oct 24 187.350 188.450 187.350 188.000 1.050 188.050s 01:05P Chart for @LE4V Options for @LE4V
Dec 24 187.000 188.475 187.000 188.075 1.300 188.125s 01:05P Chart for @LE4Z Options for @LE4Z
Feb 25 187.675 189.025 187.675 188.700 1.200 188.825s 01:05P Chart for @LE5G Options for @LE5G
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Oct 24 248.150 249.625 247.900 249.500 1.850 249.425s 01:05P Chart for @GF4V Options for @GF4V
Nov 24 246.600 249.100 246.550 248.900 2.325 248.925s 01:05P Chart for @GF4X Options for @GF4X
Jan 25 244.175 246.275 243.750 246.000 1.800 246.050s 01:05P Chart for @GF5F Options for @GF5F
Month Open High Low Last Change Close Time More
Dec 24 78.850 79.450 78.250 78.850 0.850 79.125s 01:05P Chart for @HE4Z Options for @HE4Z
Feb 25 82.500 82.875 81.850 82.550 0.550 82.800s 01:05P Chart for @HE5G Options for @HE5G
Apr 25 86.100 86.275 85.500 86.000 0.300 86.225s 01:05P Chart for @HE5J Options for @HE5J
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Local Conditions
Jefferson City, MO
Chg Zip Code: 
Temp: 80oF Feels Like: 79oF
Humid: 31% Dew Pt: 47oF
Barom: 29.93 Wind Dir: SW
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 12 mph
Sunrise: 7:25 Sunset: 6:20
As reported at JEFFERSON CITY, MO at 12:00 PM
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Local Radar
Jefferson City, MO
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5-day Forecast for Jefferson City, MO
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Date Tue
Clear Clear Thunder Storms Thunder Storms Clear
Weather Clear Clear Thunder Storms Thunder Storms Clear
L/H (°F)
56/86 54/76 48/81 57/74 46/69

L/H (°F)
56/86 54/76 45/81 57/74 44/69
Dew Point
49 45 45 53 40
33 42 43 60 46

10 7 9 7 6
- - 36 70 -
None None Rain
0.25 0.16 0.19 0.12 0.12
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DTN Weather Summary
Small System and Front for Tuesday
Bryce Anderson (Bio) – DTN Meteorologist
Posted at 5:38AM Tue Oct 22, 2024 CDT

DTN/PF Renewable Fuels
Latest DTN/PF Renewable Fuels News
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 9:51AM CDT
Overall ethanol production in the United States averaged 994,000 barrels per day (bpd) in the week ended Sept. 20.

Thursday, September 19, 2024 9:19AM CDT

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 1:09PM CDT

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USDA has adjusted the calculations of LDP data.
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